Two days ago the Cleveland Cavaliers played the Golden State Warriors in game 6 of the 2016 NBA finals. The series so far has been tinged with controversy as fans from both teams debate missed calls, no calls, suspensions and who the real ‘king’ of the sport is. Would the real king please stand up? The games themselves have provided enough material to foster debates for years to come. I believe the off court drama is just as eye-catching as the on court heroics of Lebron James, Kyrie Irving and the splash brothers (Stephen Curry and Clay Thompson). One point that emerged after the game was whether the finals are rigged in favor of a team, or whether the series is being prolonged for profits. I am one of those people who found every excuse to blame everyone and everything because Golden State lost. Now, I have to let you guys know that I am a self-proclaimed bandwagoner of the Warriors. I am a Lakers fan to the bone, but when my team is not in the finals I pick a fall back team. For the past five championships, I have supported any team that plays against Lebron. I know, I am horrible and a hater lol.
Ok let’s get back to my real point…On Thursday after the game Stephen Curry’s wife Ayesha posted a tweet to twitter that fanned the game rigging fire. She wrote “I’ve lost all respect sorry this is absolutely rigged for money…or ratings I’m not sure which…” I read the tweet and nodded in agreement. Ayesha’s tweet did not go down so well with some analysts. The one that stood out to me was Stephen. A. Smith. I was amazed at his comments. For a second I thought I was transported into the age where women had to walk behind their husbands and lacked opinions. He basically said that Ayesha should be seen and not be heard. He made reference to Lebron’s wife who is often at games but doesn’t usually give commentary. His comments made me realize that there is still a select few who believe that the only role a woman should play is a homemaker. I take serious offense to that belief. We have valuable input in any situation, we are very capable of forming our own opinions and most of all censorship is never ok. If we were not stuck in this patriarchal mindset, what Ayesha said would not have been an issue. This is proof that we still have a lot of work to do.
Let me hear your thoughts guys! Leave me a comment below.